Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sleep Walking

It was terribly foggy this morning, and the day remained gray.   After days of lovely blue sky, the change really affected me.  Many of my co-workers also complained of feeling blah today.  I've  also been thinking about my Mom a lot lately.  Her birthday is next week - she would have been 90.  That added to my funk.  I didn't really feel like going on my walk this afternoon, because of those same blah feelings, but I'm really glad I did.   It was a sad walk today, but very poignant.  I opened my eyes and saw some things that I hadn't noticed before. 

When I got down to the lake the first thing I noticed was a crow in the tree above me.  I love this shot.  It took a bit of patience to get it because he just wouldn't sit still for me.  It's kind of Poe-ish, what with the weather and my mood.

As I was moving around the tree, trying to get the shot, I noticed something gold in a small tree nearby. I found this.......
It's a tribute to a man name John, who passed away in 2010.  It says "gone, yet not forgotten."   I started looking around for other bands in the nearby trees, but I noticed this instead............

Of course I  looked at every bench I passed, and yes I found more.  I thought maybe I should save them for Memorial Day, but I think I was meant to see them today. 

I'm guessing Don was a regular lake walker.  I know I'll sit and rest on his bench now and then.

Were Walter & Geneva from the neighborhood?  Did I go to school with their children?

There was no plaque on this bench, and I'm guessing this was a recent loss.  Was this a favorite spot for this person to stop and sit?   I'll be keeping my eye on this particular bench to see if a plaque appears.

Rich's friends and family left some ribbons for him, and I'm pretty sure it was done recently.   I've taken several pictures in this area recently and really think I would have noticed them, but then again, I may have been walking around with my eyes closed.

I felt so bad when I saw Bonnie's bench.  I didn't know Bonnie, but I know she doesn't deserve this.  Unfortunately, they may have to replace the plaque.  I don't know if it can be cleaned. 

After a month into my project, I can see that I'm on the right track.  I'm seeing things I never would have noticed before.  And, I'm truely enjoying myself.  

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