Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've been busy this week, and haven't gone down to the lake since my night shots on Tuesday.   Sometimes you just have to go to the grocery store and the gas station, and all those other  fun day to day adventures.

I have had a busy, fun weekend however.   I went out to dinner with two of my longtime friends, Kathy & Vicki.  We never have a bad time when we get together!  Good food, good wine, GREAT friends!.   Saturday, more friends and more fun.   Seven of us from my knitting group went to the Minnesota History Center.  Their main exhibit is 1968.  It chronicles the entire year.  It was very interesting and entertaining, and contained a lot of flashbacks for those of us old enough to remember.  See it if you get a chance.   We went to lunch afterwards to a place near the cathedral called Fabulous Fern's.  Very good food.   I'd go there again.

Today Princess Kitty and I went to the Minnesota Zoo.   We walked the Northern Trek and saw the new grizzly & otter exhibits.   I took lots of pictures so I'm posting some of those today instead of lake pictures.

Beautiful animal deep in thought

This guy was huge!

I couldn't resist these paws!  Tiger was enjoying
a snooze in the sun.

This was the only prairie dog that was topside.  He may have
been on guard duty.

This leopard couldn't get any higher in it's enclosure.  He was
really focusing his attention on something, but we
weren't sure what.  A very beautiful animal!

There were quite a few camels out grazing.

Inside the tropics exhibit I saw this toothy dwarf croc.


Flamingos are my favorites!

This reminds me of a painting.

I love this little guy!

This lynx did not seem in the best of moods today.

So, that's the abbreviated version of our zoo tour today.  A nice diversion from the lake, though I'll be back there very soon!


  1. Great pictures Lisa. I love the zoo. Can I go out with you, Kathy and Vicki next time? Pretty please? :)

  2. I had a great time out with you! You are getting really good with that camera. You left out the part of how you like to act like you're five and pound on the glass.....
