It seems like weeks and weeks since I last walked the lake. I've driven by it frequently, but no time to stop. I was keeping an eye on the ice situation though. MY official ice out date was Sunday, the 18th of March. That is sooooooooooo early!
We've had rain this week and everything is turning green. It seems more like the end of April. My rhubarb, daylilies and iris are all making an appearance, and leaves are coming out on a lot of trees and shrubs. The grass is greening up too. I'm thinking I should check the garden centers this weekend to see if there are any seedling tomato plants out yet. Should I go against the odds and plant a couple right now? If I can find some, I think I will. Can you imagine the crop I could harvest! We usually don't put tomatoes in until early to mid May around here. I'd only be out a couple of bucks if they die a cold death, and I'd still have time to replant at the proper time. Maybe I can find some cukes to put in too!
This is Catboy - he's a multitasker - smokes and does flips on the rings all while plugged in to the I-Pod. It was nice to have him walk with me today.
Magnolia trees are in bloom. Lilacs won't be far behind.
It's so nice to see some color again.
These willows were gorgeous in January, but now they're even more so, from the inside and the outside.
I don't think people in warmer climates can really understand how much we appreciate spring in Minnesota. Even with the very mild winter we've had, we still had snow and cold and brown and gray. I know I change along with the seasons, and I feel lighter now. The heaviness of winter has been thrown off. Not just the heavy coats and sweaters we wear to keep warm, but the grayness that seems to press down on us, or on me anyway. I know why blues and greens are my favorite colors. My yarn stash definitely reflects this. I won't tell you how many skeins of blue and green yarn I already have, but I'm pretty sure it's not enough.
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