Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walking on Water

I had a huge burst of ambition today.  After breakfast I did an hour and a half of yoga.  Then I got the vacuum out and did a bit of  the required weekly housework.   Sure wish the cats could be trained to do their share around here!   They just give me dirty looks when I suggest it, and then go back to their naps.   After the chores I decided to walk down to the lake for some pictures.  Little chilly today, not quite 30 degrees, but beautiful blue sky.  
I decided to venture out onto the ice for a couple of shots back at the shoreline.

Then I started walking toward the bridge, but only after I got back on solid land.  I'm not a fan of being out on a frozen lake.  
It's nice to know this is handy in case someone goes through the ice, but I don't know if I could have gotten it untied quick enough to help anyone!  It was wrapped up pretty tight with a lot of knots in it.

I decided to keep walking around the lake, instead of turning back.   When I got to the Big Beach, I saw some skaters and walked down to say hi, and take their pictures, which involved, obviously, more walking on water.    

Stairway to Heaven?  
They took the tent down from the Pond Hockey event, but left the stairs.

This is one of my very favorite spots at the lake.  It's just between the Big Beach and Minnehaha Creek.  An avenue of pine trees.   I'll be taking a lot of pictures here over the coming year.  Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I have a thing for trees.

I know this is not a good picture, but I had to put it up anyway.  Those are buds on a weeping willow!  I was trying to hold the branch still with one hand and focus and shoot with the other.  Obviously, I need three hands.   But even out of focus, it's a sign that spring will be coming. 

Now that I'm almost thawed out from my walk, after a nice hot latte, it's time to think about making dinner, and then get some more knitting done.

I welcome your comments on my photos and musings.  You can sign on to "follow" me.  You'll get notices when I post something new.   I'd especially like to hear from those of you who know Lake Nokomis.  Do you have a favorite spot you go to?   


  1. Yes, you had mucho energy today! Love the pictures. Doug and I went to the zoo today to walk the Northern Trek. It wasn't too bad outside.

  2. I'll probably pay for it tomorrow! I haven't been to the zoo for quite awhile, except last summer when I went to see the Monkee's (not the monkey's) in concert.

  3. There is a tree that Anne and I used to go hang out at. We called it the W tree (because it looks like a W). When it's not freezing out I will walk you down there so you can shoot it :)

  4. Ahhh,, the carriage way to that fabled realm of the Shire!

    Could you scribe be of the Elfish kind??!! =}

    Like the foto of the avenue of pines.
